Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Throwback Tuesdays: Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)

I has to take it back to the "Original" 1984 Classic Debut of Freddy & The Nightmare On Elm Street Series. Alot of people have mixed feeling about the next depiction of Freddy, but....what the hell, he's back & I am glad because Hollywood resurrected Jason & Mike Myers; it was only a matter of time. The 2010 N.O.E.S. release merged all the classic kill scences & gave you Freddy's background all in one, which I felt was necessary for the new generation of fans. Enjoy the classic & all part are on YOUTUBE thanks to Youtube User/Channel: AuronofAbyssum

I totally agree with this Youtube Member's Comment:
TheAltair4 @ilikescreamo1991 Well, i'm a huge NOES fan who grew up with this film, so my own opinion is a bit biased, i suppose. Robert Englund's portrayel of Freddy in this film is still the darkest and scariest although i thought that Jackie Haley did do a good job of reinterpreting the character. It wasn't until the third film in the series that Freddy became a figure of fun rather than one of pure, unadulterated evil as depicted in this film and the remake

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