The search warrant for the Chevy Malibu of suspect Michael Solomon was returned by Richmond Police this afternoon and revealed many new details into the investigation into the murder of Tameka Claiborne.
According to the search warrant, a witness told police that on the day Claiborne disappeared, they saw a gold-colored car -- believed to be Solomon's Chevy Malibu -- parked near the stoop of her home on Blandy Avenue with the trunk open.
Also according to the warrant, police took DNA swabs, white tennis shoes, a knife and sheath, a piece of duct tape, two pocket knives, red substance samples, rear seat cushions, swabs of red stains and a piece of a purple glove among other items.
Prosecutors Monday filed a charge of child abduction against Solomon, the primary suspect in the murder of Claiborne. Investigators say Solomon abducted then abandoned Claiborne's son, Malik Ellison, 3, last Tuesday.
Sources have said that Claiborne was stabbed to death. Claiborne's body was found on the shore of a home in Charles City County Friday after a three-day search.
If you feel like you're in over your head with personal debt, you're not alone. Millions of Americans have become overextended, many as a result of easy credit and the recessions. Credit cards, medical bills, personal loans and raising interest rates do not make a good financial mix.
The 5 strategies you may want to avoid:
The first advice of experts in the field is to be sure you don't make your situation worse by making common mistakes. In particular:
1. Beware of just paying the minimum payments on your debts. This will results in your overall debt actually growing and your problems will only become worse. 2. Beware of relying on friends and family as it could damage relationships with the most important people in your life. 3. Beware of unscrupulous credit counselors that demand cash upfront or high fees for help they promise, but don't deliver. 4. Avoid taking out a new high-interest loan to pay off lower interest rate loans. It may be easier to just have one payment but it will actually increase the amount you have to pay back. 5. Declaring bankruptcy when debt settlement may work for you...
Debt Settlement or Bankruptcy
Two common solutions people turn to are debt settlement and bankruptcy. Generally, if you are struggling with a financial hardship and are behind or falling behind on your minimum payments, then debt settlement may be right for you. If your situation is more dire, then you may consider bankruptcy.
However, bankruptcy is a serious step with long term implications for you and your financial future. Most experts would suggest it only as a last resort. The better course is to attempt to work through your debt issue with your creditors and this is where debt settlement companies can help.
What is Debt Settlement?
You may have heard companies advertising recently that they can get much of your debt eliminated. Is this process legitimate?
Working with a Debt Settlement company can actually be a great solution for many people struggling with a financial hardship. Debt settlement is the process of negotiating with your creditors to get them to forgive a potion of your debt. Specialty settlement companies determine a reasonable monthly amount that you can afford to pay, which is based on total amount owed. You make your affordable payment every month into a special purpose account, and as these funds accumulate, the settlement company reaches out to creditors to negotiate a final actual settlement amount. Typically these companies have excellent relationships with creditors and are negotiating on behalf of thousands of people every day.
Every situation is different, but it is not uncommon for debt settlement companies to be able to negotiate a reduction that of as much as 50% of what you owe.
So, how to find a legitimate and trustworthy debt settlement company to work with? A great way to start is by visiting Freedom Debt Relief for a free, no-obligation consultation to evaluate your options.
Welcome to Richmond's Got Talent Contest! Register @
How does it work? iPower presents Richmond’s Got Talent contest sponsored by the 2010 State Fair of Virginia will begin on 7/19/2010 and end on 9/15/2010. Talent categories include: Step, Drum Line, Cheering, Singing OR Music/Bands/DJ Mixing for individuals/groups between the ages of 12 and 24 years old
How do I enter? Listeners of WCDX-FM who are legal residents of the US, and are 12 to 24 years of age will be able to take part in this contest. To participate in the contest, listeners must do the following: 1. I POWER 92.1 will air promos telling listeners to upload an 8-minute or less video of themselves or their group performing their talent (Step, Drum Line, Cheering, Singing, OR Music/Bands/DJ Mixing) to to have the chance to qualify.
Eligibility Restrictions? 1. The contest is open to listeners of WCDX-FM and who are between the ages of 12 and 24 and are legal residents of the US. 2. Employees of WCDX-FM, Radio One, State Fair of Virginia and Virginia Beach Tourism Corporation, it’s subsidiaries, affiliates, general sponsors, promotional partners, other radio stations in the Richmond, VA. Metropolitan area and members of their immediate families or households of any of the above are NOT eligible to participate or win in this contest. 3. Once an individual wins a prize in this contest, they are not eligible to win another prize in this contest except as specified within these rules.
Are there prizes? Yes. Grand Prize #1: opportunity to perform on the Richmond Coliseum stage during the 2010 Russ Parr Summer Concert, Friday morning, August 6th, 2010 and will be an automatic qualifier in the iPower presents Richmond’s Got Talent Contest Finals Saturday, 9/25/10 at Festival Stage at the State Fair of Virginia (there is only one (1) Grand Prize #1 available). By the consensus of WCDX-FM and Radio One Management, one (1) Contestant/Group will be selected to perform on stage during the Russ Parr Summer Concert at the Richmond Coliseum Friday morning, August 6th, 2010. Grand Prize #2: Talent qualifiers selected by WCDX-FM and Radio One Management will be chosen to compete at the iPower presents Richmond’s Got Talent Contest Finals Saturday, 9/25/10, at Festival Stage at the 2010 State Fair of Virginia: 1st Prize: $1,000 cash and a getaway for four (4) to Virginia Beach, Virginia. 2nd Prize: $500 cash. 3rd Prize: a getaway for four (4) to Virginia Beach, Virginia. All contestants will be selected to compete in the iPower Richmond’s Got Talent finals Saturday, September 25th from 12noon till 3pm by 9/15/2010. Visitors are encouraged to visit and vote often for their friends, however, WCDX-FM and Radio One Management have the final vote. .
Snoop Dogg really was living the life he described in his rap songs - one punctuated with women and drugs - and it was destroying his marriage to his wife, who is also the Mother of his three children:
"You know, I was caught up with Hollywood, and the girls and the night life," Snoop said in 2008.
Snoop even filed for divorce, but the couple reconciled and renewed their vows to celebrate their 10th anniversary in 2008; they were originally married in June of 1997.
"I thought I was the man and I was willing to give up what I had at hone for that, until I realized that what I had at home was irreplaceable, so I gave that up to go back home," Snoop said.
Now Snoop and Shante have revealed to People Magazine that the discovery that their then-6-year-old daughter, Cori (pictured above, third from right), had lupus was also one of the reasons that helped bring their family closer.
Initially, the couple noticed spots on their daughter's face. They saw her dropping large amounts of weight without explanation and they saw her hair coming out.
Doctor after doctor couldn't explain what was happening.
"I felt helpless," Snoop told People while fighting back tears. "No power, no friends."
Snoop's wife was also feeling desperate as she watched her child go through test after test:
"No one could tell me what was wrong. They drew tons of blood and said she has old-person cells. They gave her all kinds of [medication]. But she went downhill."
After the diagnosis, Snoop says he and his family went on a journey together to learn about the disease. That difficult process brought his family back together.
Sometimes it takes a tragedy or difficult times for people to realize what's really important in their lives. For Snoop, it was his daughter's illness.
Today, Snoop's daughter is healthier and enjoying being a teenager:
"She's the toughest little thing I've ever met," the rapper says of his daughter. "She's on the honor roll, playing volleyball and softball, living life. She has all this joy. In the beginning, lupus was winning. But now Cori is."
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease, where the body's defenses attack its own healthy cells as opposed to foreign viruses, germs and bacteria. Skin, joints and organs can be affected. The disease can be life threatening, and those who have it go through periods where the disease flares up and then goes in to remission.
Doctors do not know what causes the disease but believe it is related to a genetic mutation. Approximately 1.5 million Americans have the disease and women ages 15 to 44 are most prone.
Women of color are two to three more likely than whites to develop the disease.
Black women also develop the disease earlier, have more severe symptoms (including kidney problems) and are more likely to die from the disease.
Still, awareness about the disease is lagging, according to the Lupus Foundation of America. One survey found that only 40 percent of young people surveyed had even heard of the disease, although young adulthood is when the disease is most likely to strike. Educate YOURself about Lupus & Humanitarian/Philanthropy opportunities:
Dressed in an orange jumpsuit, Lindsay Lohan cracks a slight smirk in her new mug shot. She was booked around 10:11 a.m. at Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, California to begin her 90-day jail sentence. According to her booking sheet, the 5'6" star weighs 118 lbs.
Lohan was sentenced July 6 to 90 days in jail and a 90-day inpatient rehabilitation program for violating probation on an old DUI case. The actress will likely serve approximately 23 days behind bars because, according to Los Angeles Sheriff's Department spokesperson Steve Whitmore, female inmates in custody for nonviolent crimes generally serve about 25 percent of their sentence.
Her booking documents list her release date as Aug. 9.
Lindsay Lohan mugshot 2007 Lohan surrendered to officials at the Beverly Hills Courthouse on Tuesday to begin serving her jail sentence. Shortly after the hearing began, Judge Marsha Revel announced she was decreasing the 24-year-old's transition time between jail and her rehab stint from 48 to 24 hours.
Lohan was then relieved of her SCRAM device, handcuffed and taken by car to the Lynwood Correctional Facility.
"She's scared as anyone would be," Lohan's attorney Shawn Chapman Holley said Tuesday. "But she's resolute and she's doing it."
"She asks for your prayers and support" Holley said, adding Lohan "is accepting responsibility and [has] stepped up to the plate and is doing what has been asked of her."
Rapper/Actor Ice Cube shares his comments towards Lebron Jame's decision to join the Heat.
The veteran west coast rapper Ice Cube recently blogged his feelings about Lebron James joining Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade in South beach.
"Kurupt is one of my favorite MC's. He's got complicated metaphors that are still gangsta, 15 minutes after he left the room in came Snoop. We talked about the Lakers kickin' the Celtics a** in the Finals. We laughed about LeBron joining The Heat. It won't work, Lakers are still the team to beat."
Being from the west coat could it be that Ice Cube is afraid of the new 3 headed monster in Miami? Since the announcement many entertainers have spoken on the new team including rappers like Rick Ross who has said
“I'm going to be the Jack Nicholson of the Miami Heat!”
Although many people have many different opinions of the situation, one thing is for certain is that the NBA will be filled with entertainment and everybody's two cent comments.
In a made-for-TV event, LeBron shares an awkward goodbye
"Since they burned his Jersey, yall were fake fans from the Jump, never loyal!"
If it's a book or an article and you want to find the deeper meaning within, the subtext behind the words, you read between the lines. If it's live television, with its cameras, red lights and "30 seconds -- quiet on the set!" commands, you focus on those moments of truth that peek out during commercial breaks. When the cameras blink.
That was when the relentless cynicism of what LeBron James had just announced, and how he was going about it, revealed itself in full.
Dozens of kids were seated just -- so on two sets of metal bleachers, positioned as backdrop for James' multi-million dollar announcement Thursday that he would spend his next five NBA seasons with the Miami Heat. The "studio" was, in fact, the gymnasium of the Boys & Girls Club in this upscale community 30 miles north of New York City. Back in Cleveland, where James spent his first seven seasons as the sort of hometown hero (he's from Akron) professional sports rarely see, he and his youngest fans would have filled such a room with warmth and love.
Here, the kids were props, LeBron fans for a night thanks to his odd selection of their club as his platform. Given strict instructions to hush during the important yakking between the suddenly former Cavaliers star and handpicked interviewer Jim Gray, the Greenwich kids looked to be having as much fun as Joan Crawford's offspring at Thanksgiving dinner.
They had to sit quietly when the cameras rolled. And when the cameras were off, they got to watch James sit quietly. Seriously. Awkwardly. Grimly.
Here he had just announced the decision that was going to define him and his dream for seasons to come, a dream that he had seeded and nurtured since the last time he, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh signed their synchronized contracts, and James looked glum. He took a swig of Vitaminwater, the product so strategically placed during James' and ESPN's co-production, "The Decision." He fidgeted with his ear piece. He stared around and through Gray.
The red light came back on and James dutifully answered Gray's and the studio hosts' questions about his process in choosing Miami and eliminating the others. He talked of what he might face back in the market he just bolted and worded it like this: "I have to go back there twice a year."
Huh? Have to go. He said this a mere minutes after exiting Cleveland, the site of such a slobbering love affair for seven years.
Then it was time for another commercial and James looked like he need to get up, unhook his microphone and take a long, hot shower to rinse away the bad mojo. A nationally televised hubbub entirely of his own doing, yet he seemed to want to be anywhere but in that director's chair turned hot seat.
Maybe it was inevitable that Thursday's staged event would lack joy -- outside of south Florida, anyway, and the inner circles of James, Wade and Bosh that are linked now like Olympic rings. By keeping six teams -- the Heat, the Cavaliers, the Bulls, the Nets, the Knicks and the Clippers -- guessing right till the end, his prime-time reveal could delight only one and disappoint five. While distressing 29, really, each of which might envision the "Miami Threeat" blocking their paths to The Finals and future championships.
"This is history in the making," Wade told ESPN Thursday in a post-"Decision" interview. "To have three guys in their prime -- I mean LeBron 25, Chris 26 and I'm 28 -- [and] to make this sacrifice to come together for one common goal, and that common goal is to do nothing but win..."
A very different, Wade-led Heat team won 47 games last season before losing in the first round against Boston.
Said Bosh, during the same interview: "I think we can win for a very long time if we do the right things and approach everything the right way. ... I'm ready to get this going. I'm ready to work as hard as possible and take whatever role I have to to bring some wins to this team."
Wade and Bosh had it easy Thursday. They had announced their decision to join up in Miami on Wednesday, then waited a day and a half for James climb aboard. That sequencing worked against James, who looked like he was taking haven in a stacked deck of Miami talent while giving up on building and bringing a championship to northeast Ohio. Never again will James (more than his marquee teammates) be an underdog. Never again will he be known for loyalty first and individual pursuits second.
That all-for-one ubuntu concept from which the 2008 Boston Celtics got so much mileage? James used to have that not just with his fellow Cavaliers but with the fans in Cleveland. Now he leaves not witnesses but casualties.
So maybe there was a little guilt mixed into his statements Thursday, leading to so much awkwardness. Up to and including the dreaded third-person references.
"I wanted to do what was best for LeBron James and what LeBron James was going to do to make him happy," he said at one point. "I had seven great years in Cleveland. I hope the fans understand. Maybe they don't. But I'm going to ultimately be happy with my decision."
James had nothing negative to say about his Cleveland era, now officially sealed off with one trip to The Finals (a 2007 sweep by San Antonio) and, most recently, his Game 5 funk and Game 6 elimination by the Celtics in the Eastern Conference semifinals. He just didn't have enough reasons to extend it.
"The seven years we had were like no other," James said. "It ultimately came down to where I felt like I could win the most."
The Greenwich chapter of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, so James' media event was welcomed as one big birthday present. The local kids, their parents, civic types and club directors were present for "The Decision." But the guest list was short and security was tight. Police on the scene weren't shy about banishing many non-ESPN TV, radio, print and Internet reporters and crews to spots across Horseneck Lane from the stately 70-year-old building. A village of production trucks had been in place since morning as the NBA's No. 1 waiting game narrowed down from months, weeks and days to hours and minutes.
Fans and gawkers were herded to the corner at Shore Rd, as many as 300 of them making last-minute pitches for their teams -- hoping that James was whisked in from that direction -- via T-shirts, jerseys and banners. Knicks fans were most prevalent, but there were signs touting the Nets, one fellow in a Michael Jordan Bulls jersey and several wearing James' familiar No. 23 in Cavs' colors.
There also was a flash of green, a cluster of Celtics fans led by a woman holding this sign: "Hey LeBron / It Doesn't Matter / Pierce Will Eat Your Lunch Anywhere."
Not just anywhere. LeBron James filled in the blank Thursday night, even if he do so rather blankly.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. — The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Video via Youtube User: sharky734
(A few comments out of 4,233)
Nauckauha 1 minute ago @treemaster7 it is good to see some people using there Heads for something other then Hat Racks, I Spent the Better part of 10 years researching Gulf War Syndrome, They are not resticking anyrights in my view Common defense is doing the Job as they was meant to do Securing the Well Being of the people Nauckauha 1 minute ago * TAYcoogs 8 minutes ago @treemaster7 HAHAHA yeah cause a flash would ignite those fumes... TAYcoogs 8 minutes ago * Nauckauha 10 minutes ago They are trying to work in an round a Haz Mat problems, Not only are the dealing with the Fall out of the BP Spill but the chemicals from Flooding from the Hurricane Katrina. Stay the hell out of the way, if you want to help The Navy the Army etc Is Always looking for new meat, The Spill is a CDC Night mare Nauckauha 10 minutes ago * ocpud2999 10 minutes ago @treemaster7 if there is a danger like that then they could tell them and the reporter can take the proper precautions . I think it is a little more than that otherwise they would of explained that ocpud2999 10 minutes ago * savida34e 11 minutes ago This is why there's a SECOND amendment! savida34e 11 minutes ago * KINGDINGLEDORK 14 minutes ago SUSPEND the 1st Amendment PLEASE! I am a conservative republican and I say charge all who publically dissent gov't policy. CHARGE THEM with TREASON and/or SEDITION! WE MUST SAVE AMERICA from COMMIES like AL Franken and John mcCain. BOTH badmouth AMERICA! KINGDINGLEDORK 14 minutes ago * tirakis 15 minutes ago "This is going to be the most open and honest administration in history." What a joke! One more promise broken. Remember that in November. tirakis 15 minutes ago * Tommygunn480 15 minutes ago @PMSHIELDS I agree there not being practiced however Lets hope everyone has not given up, I wonder when this phase of our national De-evolution is over who will be left standing..Lets hope we all go back to what this country was founded on.Individual rights and an economic system based on private ownership of capital Let's hope it's soon, my friend! Tommygunn480 15 minutes ago * thereza9000 16 minutes ago @bench550 that was his plan all far its blown up in his face, as his ratings continually plummet; I have to say, there are some pretty sketchy things happening with this administration... this is not the America our founders intended it to be :( very depressing thereza9000 16 minutes ago * ocpud2999 20 minutes ago @Painscale I did see that. I just wanted to bring to the attention of those who think that the Obama admin is going to be any different than any other government official. Lets face it our rights are being taken away and no one seems to care. I don't care what party it is both sides just seem to ignore the constitution. This what happens when you have rich elites running our country guess what side they will be on?
Virginia Beach police believe they know the identity of the person who pulled the trigger in a shooting at the conclusion of Michael Vick's 30th birthday party, but authorities don't have enough evidence to charge that person and insist that Vick himself is not a suspect.
"Unfortunately because of the lack of cooperation from the victim, coupled with the reluctance of witnesses, the Commonwealth Attorney's Office ... has determined that no charges will be filed in this case at this time," Virginia police spokesman Adam Bernstein said in a statement Tuesday afternoon.
Since nobody will immediately be charged, the identity of the person police believe shot Quanis Phillips, a co-defendant in Vick's dog-fighting case, in the early morning hours of June 25 will not be released.
Police said the investigation is still open and encouraged witnesses to step forward.
"With the lack of cooperation, it's difficult for the case to move forward," police spokeswoman Margie Hobbs told FanHouse. "If we get more information, a case can still be brought by the the Commonwealth Attorney's Office."
The NFL and the Philadelphia Eagles had no comment regarding the case's latest development. A message left for Vick's attorney, Larry Woodward, was not immediately returned.
Judge Marsha Revel sentenced LiLo after an incredulous prosecutor, Danette Meyers, told the judge that Lohan has been thumbing her nose at the court.
The evidence was loud and clear today -- Lindsay violated probation by failing to attend her alcohol ed classes based on the schedule set by the judge. There were lots of excuses, but ultimately they didn't fly.
The judge said there was a pattern of violations since Lindsay was placed on probation in 2007 following her plea bargain in her DUI case.
Lindsay broke down as she addressed the court, telling the judge, "I did the best I could."
Lindsay dissolved into tears when the judge imposed the sentence.
Lohan must surrender on July 20 in Judge Revel's court.
UPDATE: Sheriff's spokesperson Steve Whitmore just explained ... generally, a female inmate in Lindsay's situation only serves 25% of their sentence ... which means LiLo will most likely spend 25 days behind bars.
Amar'e Stoudemire is headed to the New York Knicks, and both sides are hoping he's not coming alone.
The Knicks said Monday they intend to sign Stoudemire to a contract later this week when the free agent moratorium period ends. Stoudemire's agent, Happy Walters, said the deal is for the maximum allowed, which would be nearly $100 million over five years.
Wearing a blue Knicks hat, Stoudemire said he looked forward to rebuilding a franchise and bringing the Knicks back to the top-maybe with a player such as LeBron James or Dwyane Wade with him.
"I feel great about being a pioneer and showing my leadership," he said at Madison Square Garden, where signs throughout the entrances showed the player pictured in a Knicks uniform and reading "Welcome, Amar'e Stoudemire."
The deal can't be signed until Thursday, after the salary cap for next season has been set.
It was a desperately needed score in free agency for the Knicks, who spent two seasons clearing enough cap space to afford two top players. They met with James, Wade and Chris Bosh last week and believe they could still land one of them. Shoals: Does Stoudemire Have Something to Prove? | What's Next for Knicks?
Stoudemire has already started recruiting, saying he spoke to James' people and directly to Wade last week. And he said he won't be affected if those players say no to New York.
"Totally comfortable, totally confident that my leadership qualities will uplift all of us to do something great this upcoming season," Stoudemire said. "So again, the Knicks are back."
Share The move reunites Stoudemire with Mike D'Antoni, his former coach in Phoenix. Stoudemire averaged more than 20 points in every season they were together and immediately becomes the best player D'Antoni has coached since leaving the Suns after the 2007-08 season.
"He's a dominant offensive player for sure, in a variety of ways," D'Antoni said.
Stoudemire's days with the Suns ended late last week when the team agreed to $48 million worth of deals with forwards Hakim Warrick and Channing Frye. The sides had discussed an extension, but the Suns looked elsewhere after they'd reached a stalemate.
Stoudemire said he understood owner Robert Sarver's position and wasn't disrespected by the Suns' refusal to give him a max deal that would have paid him millions more. He said he's always loved New York and wanted to play here since the Knicks passed on him in the 2002 draft.
He finally got to Broadway by becoming the first big player in this much-hyped free agent class to change teams. The other top players could announce their decisions later in the week, and perhaps they might take a second look at New York now that there's another huge piece in place.
"No one wanted to make the first move and I feel confident enough to take that first step and hopefully now we can bring a few guys in to join me," Stoudemire said.
The Knicks decided they no longer needed to wait on an answer from Bosh, especially because Stoudemire showed such a commitment to New York. They even gave him the longest contract allowable without knowing if it could be insured because of Stoudemire's injury history that includes microfracture knee surgery and a partially detached retina.
"I think to a degree the fact that Amar'e really wanted to come here, stepped up front, it got to the point where we had to acknowledge that and say that means something to us," Knicks president Donnie Walsh said.
Walsh said Stoudemire's arrival didn't necessarily mean the end for David Lee, the Knicks' own All-Star free agent who plays the same position. Lee could also be used in a sign-and-trade, though Walsh indicated he hadn't received any good proposals in discussions with Lee's agent.
Stoudemire has career averages of 21.4 points and 8.9 rebounds and helped the Suns reach the Western Conference finals this season. D'Antoni called him "probably one of the best, if not the best finisher in the league" and dismissed the notion that their relationship was strained in Phoenix.
"We had no problem," D'Antoni said. "I had four great years. The reason I have a very good contract in New York is Amare doing what he did for me. So I can't have any animosity and don't, and he was great."
The question now is can he help land James.
They could have ended up together in February, when the Suns considered trading Stoudemire to Cleveland before the Cavaliers instead took a deal with Washington for Antawn Jamison.
Stoudemire would instantly become the best teammate James has ever had in the NBA, but James would have to leave behind his hometown team and the extra $30 million the Cavaliers could pay him for the partnership to happen now.
"Playing with LeBron would be great," Stoudemire said. "But again, I'm not sure what his decision is and where he's leaning. If he's leaning more toward New York, then that's a great start for us."
For a team mired in a franchise-worst stretch of nine straight losing seasons, Stoudemire alone is a good start. The Knicks can finally trot out a superstar again in front of Spike Lee -- who was on hand as Stoudemire met the media -- and the rest of the home fans.
"It's the first step," Walsh said. "It's a big step, because it's a big guy."
The rapper Rick Ross has apparently won part of his legal battle with “The Real Rick Ross” Freeway Rick as a lawsuit filed by the former kingpin sought to halt the release of the rapper's upcoming album Teflon Don.
As previously reported, Freeway Rick filed a lawsuit against William Roberts (aka Rick Ross) for using his name and story to sell records.
In a lawsuit filed in a California Federal Court, Ross filed a trademark infringement lawsuit on June 18th in U.S. District Court, Central District of California.
According to the papers filed by Ross' attorney Melvin Sharpe, all parties involved are being sued including Jay-Z, Maybach Music Group, Slip-N-Slide Records and Universal Music Group.
According to Ross, the labels and Jay-Z are included in the lawsuit due to their knowledge of Rick Ross' legendary status on the street and still allowed him to use the name and image in order to sell records.
Due to being a named defendant, Roberts and Jay-Z are scheduled to be summonsed and may have to appear in court to testify.
In addition to filing the necessary paperwork, the lawyers for Freeway Ricky filed paperwork seeking a temporary restraining order for preliminary and permanent injunction relief, to officially block the release of Ross' upcoming album Teflon Don.
Ross Tweeted,
"just got update on lawsuit filed against me....injunction to stop release of my album has been denied!!aka tossed out!!..teflon don july20...”
The Real Rick Ross is also seeking $10-million in the lawsuit and 50% of the rapper's royalties.
Mel Gibson's lethal weapon seems to be his mouth again as he had some rather racist heated words for the mother of his child.
The Hollywood actor, who previously came under fire for remarks he made towards Jewish people, told his former girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva that the way she was dressed that she would get "raped by a pack of n***ers."
His words were also recorded on audio as reported by Radar Online.
"You're an embarrassment to me," Mel tells her at one point.
"You look like a f***ing pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n***ers, it will be your fault."
At least we know how you really feel about us...SMH
What do ya'll think of Mel's comments. Will you still support his movies???